Give some popular Operating System's?

by Thursday, February 02, 2012 0 comments
Give some popular Operating System's?

Some popular Operating System's are:

* Unix: multi-tasking, multi-processing, multi-user, protected, with built-in support for networking but not graphics.
* Windows NT: multi-tasking, multi-processing, single-user, protected, with built-in support for networking and graphics.
* Windows 95/98: multi-tasking, multi-processing, single-user, unprotected, with built-in support for networking and graphics.
* Windows 3.x: single-tasking, single-processing, single-user, unprotected, with built-in support for graphics but not networking.
* DOS: single-tasking, single-processing, single-user, unprotected with no built-in support for graphics or networking.
* NetWare: multi-tasking, multi-processing, single-user, unprotected, with built-in support for networking but not graphics.


Network Engg

i am Network Engg in WIPRO